Woo, vacation

Posting from my phone, so this will be short.

We got to the beach house late Saturday afternoon.  Small group this year: I think just over 30 total with 10 kids 10 or younger.

I’ve only finished one book here so far, but I read a book on the plane and another in the car on the way from Texas to Louisiana Friday night.  I’ve solved my rubik’s cube a number of times; there’s no shortage of kids willing to scramble it, though a couple have spent some time trying to solve a side.  I’ve also solved the 7-cube once, but I didn’t hand it off to the kids to scramble.

One of the few shells worth keeping that I’ve found so far is even bigger and more perfect than the big one I found last year.  Hopefully there will be a calm day when the shelling is good since it hasn’t been so far.