
A few people from my Sunday school group at church visited today.  I still have some of the (less appetizing) candy they brought last time, but the chocolate in this batch isn’t contaminated (with nuts or caramel).  When they knocked on the door Talore ran to see what the noise was.  I can’t figure out why that noise caused her to run to it, while noises like the AC coming on caused her to jump and look for someplace to hide when I first got her.  When they came in Talore wasn’t so sure she wanted to have anything to do with them, though she did get close enough to be petted.  I also got her to chase the laser pointer dot while they were here, but she was overly jumpy till they left and spent some time hiding in my bedroom and behind a chair.

I’m going to have to start running the Roomba daily again.  Apparently every other day isn’t often enough to not have cat hair completely obscure all the moving parts when it runs.  It’s amazing how much hair cats shed while never appearing to be missing any.  Hopefully Talore will keep a bit more of it in the winter.

When Talore is moving around on my desk and gets in the way (or starts creeping up on my plate of food) I tend to slide her back to the spot she has cleared off on the end.  It generally works well enough because her feet don’t get much traction on the desk surface, but I have to keep her claws trimmed since she leaves long scratches when they aren’t.  She finally stopped laying down/sitting between my keyboard and monitors, though now she occasionally just lays down on my keyboard.  At least she doesn’t generally do that while I’m in the middle of something.

All that remains of the feathery toy (till I find glue that sticks) is a plastic nub on the end of a thread.  Talore was quite willing to chase and attack it at first, but yesterday she got in front of it when I tossed it and got bonked on the nose pretty hard apparently.  Before it had hit the ground (from the chair she was in) she had made it over the back of the chair and was well on her way to my bedroom looking back to see if it was chasing.  Since then she’ll hit it if it’s on the ground, but the moment it leaves the ground she’s out of the way.

While I was looking for the large bottle of elmer’s glue I was left in college (leftover from a certain Halloween costume) I found my old rubik’s cube.  I’m sure I cleaned and lubricated it before I gave up on it, but it’s in pretty bad shape for speedcubing.  It’s nice and loose, but turning it feels like the plastic is grating against each other, despite the fact that it appears to be at least partially worn smooth when I take it apart.  I guess I got a new one for more than just the fact that the old one had peeling stickers.

According to the site I learned to cube from ( I should be solving the first two layers (f2l) in around 30 moves when I’m doing well at lookahead (spotting pieces and planning optimal moves).  I’m failing quite badly with my 45-60 moves, depending on how lucky I get at the start.  I haven’t decided if I want to spend time trying to optimize that (which should greatly improve my times once I can be efficient quickly) or memorizing moves for the more common cases for the last steps.  Considering how easily I memorized a couple algorithms I may keep doing that to a point, it just won’t help my speed much.

It’s dead!


Talore finally tore the head off the feathery toy.  For some reason the nub that remains attached to the thread is far more chase-worthy it seems.

It lives!

I fixed the short battery life of my laser pointer:

That's right, 3 D size batteries.

$10 worth of watch batteries lasted a week with my other laser pointer. Time to find out how many years $6 of D batteries last. I actually wanted Cs, but the radio shack I went to didn’t have that size battery holder, just AA and smaller and D. I probably should have gone for AA for the sake of compactness, but oh well.

Here’s the top of it:

The hardest part was soldering the wires together, especially since I hadn’t used a soldering iron in years. I don’t think I did a great job of it, but it’s not easy to solder wires together, especially when you’re holding them. Wires are, by definition, a good conductor and they were getting quite warm two inches from the join. De-soldering the laser wires from the original holder melted both the insulation on the wires and the plastic that the battery contacts were mounted in before the solder, but they eventually came off.

Talore was very interested in what I was doing (probably because it wasn’t playing with her), so I ended up doing the soldering/desoldering in the bathroom with the door shut so she wouldn’t sniff at it and burn herself.

Had a rather annoying day at work today. I thought I was finished with my task last night, but there were questions this morning. I answered those, resubmitted the data, and finally moved on to other things, then I got a call pointing out an inconsistency with the data from yesterday. All I changed (as far as I can tell) was that I added an exporter to get csv files out, but until I figure out why it changed by 10% neither data/chart set can be trusted. It takes 20 minutes to test to see if a change helped, so I spent 2 hours after I planned to leave mostly waiting. Didn’t figure it out, but hopefully it’s not urgent enough for them to ask me to go work on it over the weekend.

I’ve improved my average Rubik’s cube solve time by a few seconds (best 3 of 5 is now ~55s, averaging about a minute overall), but I’m barely maintaining my spot on the board. Actually, I might have gotten passed, I know Tom beat my single solve time, but I didn’t check to see if his 3 of 5 changed. We also added a column for 1-handed. My best is just under 3 minutes. I need to work on that, but the speed solve is quicker and easier.

My 4x4x4 cube is solved completely for the first time in years. The only problem is that I still can’t remember how to fix parity errors (or at least not when a single edge is reversed), so I was mixing it up and resolving till I got lucky. The first time I got that parity error I came up with a fix in seconds, but I haven’t been able to figure it out again since. I need to work on the 5x5x5 too, just missing one step (that I think I’ve figured out before).

Edit: Completely forgot to mention the laser dot substitute I created last night. I tied a piece of the heavy duty thread used on my sofa/chain cushions onto the feathery toy. After Talore jerked the thread out of my hand a few times I tied the other end onto a clothes pin. I can clip the clothes pin onto my belt when I’m moving around so the feathery thing follows me, and Talore will stalk it mercilessly.