Snow cats, take 2

Last year I tried to take the cats out in the snow, but they were less than pleased to be removed from the warmth of the house. Now that they’re actually used to going outside on occasion (under supervision) they both actually went outside despite the snow.

I suspect part of the inspiration for wanting to go out was because birds have been coming to the birdfeeder:
Birds in the snow

At any rate, Talore somewhat carefuly avoided the deep spots on her trip out to the grass she likes to nibble on:
Talore nibbling on grass

Dash was decidedly not that careful – he just walked right out into the snow. Then he suddenly stopped, looked at his feet, and fled back inside before I got a picture. I took a few pictures of cat track in the snow but they didn’t come out particularly well, so here’s a bonus picture of Talore:
Talore with snow


I put up a birdfeeder a couple weeks ago:
New Birdfeeder

Since that was right before daylight savings ended I didn’t get to watch it during the day until this weekend, but I had noticed that there were sunflower seed husks on the ground along with a scattering of other seeds. This weekend I noticed the cats sitting at the back door so I thought I was finally going to see a bird or two.
Observing Cats

Unfortunately that was not the case.

That’s a pretty bad picture, but he seemed somewhat nervous with both cats and me watching through the window and he just wouldn’t stay still. Apparently that squirrel can climb right up the metal post to get to the feeder. I’m kind of divided: on one hand the cats were quite happy to watch the squirrel, but I intended to lure birds into my yard for the cats to watch.


I woke up Friday morning to snow:
Snow in my yard

I want to say that’s the first time this fall I’ve seen snow on the ground here (the mountains have been white several times).

Of course, by the time I got home after work it was nearly all gone.
Talore with the remains of the snow