I went out to get a better look at my fence today to try to fix it’s lean:

Actually, the high school is the building in the upper right corner of the picture, and that parking lot is where the band practices.
I knew I was like half a block from a high school, but I hadn’t considered that I’d have clear line of sight to the marching band practice parking lot. It took me a couple of minutes to place the sound, but when I got home on Friday I could very clearly hear the metronome from inside my house. They were mostly just marching around to the metronome but they did occasionally play bits of their show. They also were out bright and early this morning (Saturday). At least in general I’m not going to be home while they’re out there, but I may have to go out in my yard and watch at some point. Also, it’s quite often raining (or has just rained) when I get home during the summer, so I’m guessing I won’t be seeing too much of them except when I get home early (generally on Friday).
Anyways, from what I saw today it looks like when the fence was put in the ground on both sides of it was at the same level. Then four or five inches of gravel were put down on most of it (leaving some open dirt to grow plants). I’m guessing the point of the gravel was so they wouldn’t have to take care of a lawn. I’m also guessing that the gravel didn’t exactly deter things from growing outside the clearly marked flower beds, because large paving stones were put down on top of it (and there are still plants growing between some of them). The amount of weight added to the inside of the fence seems to have just tipped the fence out.
Given a choice I’d take out all the gravel and put the paving stones back down, but just taking out the gravel isn’t going to straighten the fence. I don’t know how much work that will take, nor do I know what to do with the gravel.
In other news, Dash and Talore are getting along very well. I had the windows open today and with the extra space between the window and the screen Dash and Talore managed to both lay down on the same windowsill. Since I had the windows open and was going in and out the sliding door I put the collars on both cats. That was the first time I put a collar on Dash, and he was not happy. I tried to get a video of the dance he was doing trying to get a paw under the collar to push at it, but he stopped and just glared at me. I wouldn’t be surprised if Talore helped him remove it (like how she used to bite and pull on my watch band), but she didn’t today.
I have two balls that Dash just loves chasing around. Unlike Talore, he’ll hit it to keep it moving so he can keep chasing it. Earlier this week I knew were both were. Yesterday I finally found one that Dash had wedged under the back corner under the couch. I didn’t find the other, and I’m wondering if I’ll be able to find the one that Dash was playing with today. All I have to do is pick up the ball and start it rolling down the stairs, and it keeps Dash entertained for minutes at a time with no more input from me. Actually, if I get close he gets distracted and stops chasing it so I usually just watch from the loft.
Also, I think I finally figured out where Dash sleeps: behind the sofa. I can only see in from one end because there’s a bookcase at the other end, though there’s enough room for Dash to squeeze in around the bookcase.