Weekend Update

We got some rain this week (as opposed to snow), and some of my plants are decidedly perking up.

I didn’t do a whole lot in my yard this weekend, though I did finally decide which plants I want in the flowerbed under the window and weeded out all the sprouts of other things. I also spent about an hour sitting by the back door with it open yesterday and Dash finally ventured outside: he sat on the step for a while, then jumped back inside when I got up to go outside with him.

Dash still not outside

I got a second harness/leash last weekend so I could have both cats outside together, and also so I wouldn’t have to keep adjusting one harness to switch it between cats. There’s certainly hope for the together part working since Dash sniffed around where Talore was before going back for the door, but not yet.

Talore didn’t want to go outside today, but I suspect that relates to the events when she discovered the end of her leash. I’d put the harness on Talore first and had her leashed to the door handle while I convinced Dash that he was going to let me put his harness on too. Apparently Talore didn’t realize I’d hooked the leash on something and she decided she was going upstairs: she got a running start and jumped for the landing, and was in mid-air when she hit the end of the leash. She did most of a backflip, knocked a lamp over with the leash (I caught it), and ended up with the harness pulled half way over her head (pinning her front legs to her neck). I got her straightened out, but let her go hide under the bed for a while to recover.

Once I finally managed to get Talore outside she settled down quickly and nibbled the tops off a few plants.
Talore nibbling

I finally got around to looking it up: hummingbirds are expected in Colorado next month. So long as it doesn’t looke like it’s going to freeze I’ll just leave the feeder out till then.

Flash Flood Warning

It’s expected that heavy rains on the burn scar will cause flooding since there’s no vegetation to slow the water down. I live nowhere near where the fire was so it’s probably good that the heavy rain on Sunday was around my house instead of in the mountains, but there was still cause for concern here.

This is the stormwater channel normally (little to no rain):

This was Sunday afternoon:

The water actually was up into the edge of the parking lot down the hill, but I couldn’t see that from my door to get a good picture and it was still raining.

This is what happened just downstream on the channel that goes behind my house:

That last picture sure makes me glad that I live back from the channel a bit, though that’s not obvious since it’s all downhill so you don’t see much ground between where I took the picture and the channel.

Plants, Pests, and Pets

The weather was nice over the weekend so I did a bit of work in my yard. Mainly I was pulling up plants that were growing in the gravel, but I did do some work on cleaning up the edges of one of the flower beds in an attempt to keep plants from escaping.

The plant that I spent the most time on was the lilac bush. I only know what it was because my neighbor was out taking care of her plants (as opposed to trying to weed them into submission like I am) while I was outside and she commented that this is the first year the lilac has bloomed:

Lilacs apparently only bloom on old growth and my bush isn’t all that old, so it’s been spreading out rather than blooming until now. Unfortunately the fact that it’s blooming now doesn’t mean it’s stopped spreading out. I pulled up a bunch of sprouts, including pulling up the root they sprouted from as close to the bush as I could, but even though I found several roots that hadn’t sprouted yet but were still growing outwards I’m sure I didn’t get them all. I need to catch my neighbor at some point and ask if she’d like me to remove the 4+ sprouts she’s got growing on her side of the fence. It looks like the fence is lined with paving stones buried vertically to block the lilac, but that’s apparently not enough.

Since it’s been nice outside (and warm enough inside that the cool breeze is appreciated) I’ve been opening the windows. Tonight I had a couple moths get in (there’s a tear in the window screen in the loft), and suddenly my desk became the most exciting place in the house as both my cats were running around frantically trying to jump from behind my monitors to catch the first one against the wall. I didn’t see if either cat actually hit it, but it landed on the windowsill within a minute and Talore caught and ate it. I might still have moth legs in the back of my desk from that.

When I saw the second moth fly in I turned off my desk lamp and turned on the lamp I use for reading on the other side of the room (because I really don’t need a cat to knock over a monitor or push anything off my desk). Unfortunately it kept landing on the ceiling above the lamp:

I ended up joining in the fun and helping by shooing it off the ceiling, and eventually Dash batted it out of the air. He was surprisingly gentle with it (just smeared dust off it’s wings on top of my book case, didn’t crush it). I guess he intended to play with it for a bit. Unfortunately he knocked it off the side of the book case and it fluttered through the loft railing. I didn’t see if it got away for good, but both cats ran downstairs and stayed there for a while. With how they lunged for it as it flew towards the railing I thought one of the cats was going to go through. Dash actually landed on top of Talore when he jumped off the bookcase, but neither cat paid any attention that that.

Dash has an appointment with the vet this week (yearly vaccines). I’ve had the cat carrier out for a while to make sure the cats were used to it, but until this weekend it was behind one side of my desk. This weekend I moved it to vacuum, but instead of just pushing it to one side I moved it across the room. Dash then spent a good portion of the rest of the weekend sleeping in it since he can see me at my computer desk from it where it is now:

Apparently as far as Dash is concerned it’s just a convenient box with the added bonus that I can’t really get him out of it except by holding it vertically with the door down and waiting till he steps out. Hopefully he’ll be that easy to get out at the vet, and I sure hope he’s as willing to go back into the crate after the vet visit since there’s no way he’s going to sit still and let me trim his claws beforehand.