Hummingbirds at last

I moved the hummingbird feeder from the flowerbed with the hollyhocks (which were largely blocking it) to the one in the middle of the yard. Within fifteen minutes I’d seen two hummingbirds fly up and try it, then flit over to the window where I was standing to glare at me. I gather I need to clean it out and refil it – the internet tells me that hummingbird food (sugarwater) can go bad within a few days if it’s hot, and it has been. Also, rain can get in and dilute it (and it’s been raining) or the feeder can get moldy. On the other hand, the last one I saw try it (today) took several sips before leaving so it must not be too bad.

Now that I have customers it looks like I need to try to take better care of it. Maybe if it gets popular and I let it get empty I’ll manage to get a picture of hummingbirds at the window.