
Now seems like a good time to restart my blog with travel pictures. Well really, January would have been a good time, but since I didn’t take the time to make a post when I took the pictures, I’ll just make a post for them six months late. Unfortunately memories have faded, so I’ll mostly post pictures without much discussion of wandering the town.

Naturally, the first thing we went to see was the Porta Nigra:

After that we did a little shopping and I got a change holder and ear warmers, because Europe tends to use cash and change is useful, and because it was rather chilly wandering the streets in January.

We found a few interesting sights in our wandering, which I don’t remember context for besides what you can see in the pictures:

We also found our way over to St Peter’s Cathedral and the Basilica of Our Lady:

The first three pictures are of the cathedral. It was started in the fourth century, making it the oldest church in Germany. The brick wall is Roman brickwork.

The other pictures are of the basilica. which is the oldest Gothic church in Germany. It’s not as long as the cathedral, but it’s still a very tall building (and the wide angle lens emphasizes that).